A Church in Good Shape

Our New Series – A Church in Good Shape Over the Autumn we are going to be looking at the letter of 1 Thessalonians in our morning services. The best thing to do would be to spend some time reading and digesting the letter in advance, it is a short letter – only five chapters. […]
Are Christians Wasting Their Time?

A Reflection on the Resurrection of Jesus At Easter (and every other time of the year!) the church celebrates the resurrection of Jesus as a matter of ‘first importance’ for the Christian faith. The Apostle Paul makes this very clear in 1 Corinthians 15.3-6. “I delivered to you as of first importance what I also […]
Revelation: Basic Not Baffling!

APPROACHING A NEW SERMON SERIES IN REVELATION It is probably fair to say that many Christians are quite hesitant about the book of Revelation. If you need to be persuaded of that, then try dropping into conversation that your church is going to be starting a series on Revelation over the coming months. I can […]